[OZAPRS] UIDIGI 1.9 problem?

Peter VK2MPJ vk2mpj at yahoo.com.au
Tue Oct 14 17:33:30 EST 2014


After reading your posts on the WARC group and seeing that 2HLT was able 
to be heard and digi'd buy the Didgipeater in question, says to me that 
the digi is most likely okay.
Have you verified the correct operation of your mobile set up?

What are you using in your mobile set up?


On 14/10/2014 3:45 pm, Liz VK2XSE wrote:
> QTR Tue, 14 Oct 2014 13:51:03 +1100 Owen Duffy QTC
>> 1. will not repeat WIDE2-m where m>1 and
>> 2. doesn't seem to repeat other stuff as often as it should.
>> Issue 1 is easy to clear away, are there any instances of
>> ',VK2RGF-1*,WIDE2*' in your log file. If they exist at all, there
>> there is evidence that it will repeat those cases if they are decoded.
> last one of those was
> 2014-08-16 19:10:18.600 VK2XSE-1  R
> VK2ASY-1>APWW10,VK2RAO-1*,VK1RGI-1*,VK2RGF-1*,WIDE2*:}VK2TGB-7>S3T2W3,VK2RHR-1,WIDE1,VK2RAO-1,VK1RGI-1,VK2RGF-1,WIDE2,TCPIP,VK2ASY-1*:`N?:l!]>/vk2tgb at bigpond.com
> (using grep to search the file)
> so once this did happen, but not within the last 8 weeks
>> Issue 2 could be a whole lot of problems that are degrading receive
>> performance. If it does repeat certain cases sometimes but not as
>> often as it should, I would look to the linear side of the system
>> rather than digital.
>> It is my first suspicion that issue 2 is the real issue, and that
>> radio performance has fallen off (defective antenna system, radio
>> etc).
> That's why I took a drive past it yesterday, but couldn't get it to
> acknowledge me from any distance between 70km and 1km (with an
> aggressive 50W, and a large stick). It does digipeat others, both
> yesterday and today.
>> It looks to me like this might be a remote digi. I assume that its
>> working configuration is in EEPROM. Can you remotely access it and
>> check the key routing parameters, perhaps restart it.
> That's not something I can do, and I can't convince those who know its
> innards that it isn't working properly.
> -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
> Liz
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