[OZAPRS] UIDIGI 1.9 problem?

Liz VK2XSE edodd55 at gmail.com
Tue Oct 14 15:45:50 EST 2014

QTR Tue, 14 Oct 2014 13:51:03 +1100 Owen Duffy QTC

> 1. will not repeat WIDE2-m where m>1 and
> 2. doesn't seem to repeat other stuff as often as it should.
> Issue 1 is easy to clear away, are there any instances of
> ',VK2RGF-1*,WIDE2*' in your log file. If they exist at all, there
> there is evidence that it will repeat those cases if they are decoded.
last one of those was 
2014-08-16 19:10:18.600 VK2XSE-1  R
VK2ASY-1>APWW10,VK2RAO-1*,VK1RGI-1*,VK2RGF-1*,WIDE2*:}VK2TGB-7>S3T2W3,VK2RHR-1,WIDE1,VK2RAO-1,VK1RGI-1,VK2RGF-1,WIDE2,TCPIP,VK2ASY-1*:`N?:l!]>/vk2tgb at bigpond.com

(using grep to search the file)

so once this did happen, but not within the last 8 weeks

> Issue 2 could be a whole lot of problems that are degrading receive
> performance. If it does repeat certain cases sometimes but not as
> often as it should, I would look to the linear side of the system
> rather than digital.
> It is my first suspicion that issue 2 is the real issue, and that
> radio performance has fallen off (defective antenna system, radio
> etc).

That's why I took a drive past it yesterday, but couldn't get it to
acknowledge me from any distance between 70km and 1km (with an
aggressive 50W, and a large stick). It does digipeat others, both
yesterday and today.

> It looks to me like this might be a remote digi. I assume that its
> working configuration is in EEPROM. Can you remotely access it and
> check the key routing parameters, perhaps restart it.

That's not something I can do, and I can't convince those who know its
innards that it isn't working properly.


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