Andrew Rich vk4tec at tech-software.net
Sat Dec 5 09:23:38 EST 2009


Added from perl scripts and GD graphs, of callsigns, digis and gates.


+ 145.175 MHz VK4DC-1 is transmitting every 3 minutes - no in line with the 60 mins 
+ 145.175 MHz VK4OG-1 is no longer in the equation, VK4OG-1 is not gating any packets and is only TX on RF 
+ 145.175 MHz VK4HW-4 is taking up the slack where VK4OG-1 should have been. VK4HW-4 is currently not on air.
+ 145.175 MHz some stations are not doing wide to callsign substitution
+ The DSTAR idents are on a 10 minute tx cycle - not in line with the 60 mins for fixed stations
+ 145.175 MHz - VK4TEC when active, is taking up the slack where VK4OG-1 would normally gate
+ VK4UN has a high packet load , second to VK4DC-1
+ 439.100 VK4EA-2 is TX VK/ZL and DX - constant traffic - usefull as a igate and digi
+ 145.175 MHz - APRS messaging is not working 
+ 439.100 MHz - APRS messaging is working 


+ 145.175 MHz VK4DC-1 back off to 60 mins - TNC 
+ 145.175 MHz - re-instate VK4OG-1 as RX ONLY IGATE
+ 145.175 MHz - look at why messaging is not passing on 145.175 MHz
+ 145.175 MHz - make sure you station does callsign substitution for WIDE 
+ Get DSTAR beacons to back off to 60 mins
+ VK4UN - back off packets


145.175 MHz - high fixed station TX loads
145.175 MHz - no fixed IGATE 
145.175 MHz - APRS messaging is not working
439.100 MHz - high TX load, APRS messaging is working

I will try and keep VK4TEC up for IGATE and APRS messaging when I can

Andrew VK4TEC

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