Richard Hoskin vk3jfk at amsat.org
Fri Mar 14 10:37:57 EST 2008


Here is an example of a Fill-in Digi config for UIDIGI

Good luck,


	UIDIGI Configuration source file
        Version 1.9 BETA 3 20040101
	Written by Marco Savegnago IW3FQG
// Set the digipeater ax.25 address callsign (SSID allowed)
// Up to 6 characters+SSID
// Digicall [t]

DigipeaterCallsign     =       VK3XXX-1

// Set the digipeater address alias
// Up to 6 characters (NO SSID)
// DIGIAlias [t]

DigipeaterAlias        =       Locate

// Digipeater Info Text up to 80 char
// Info [t]

InfoText               =       Description of Digi / contact info goes here

// Path used when SSID routing is used (Up to 8 hops)
// (Direction) Path
// xpath [path]

NorthPath              =

SouthPath              =

EastPath               = 

WestPath               = 

// BudList Calls (up to 8 calls, default none)
// All SSID's of base call will be ignored
// BUdlist [calls]

BudList                =

// UI Generic Calls (up to 8)
// Calls recognized by digi to repeat
// Default (RELAY, WIDE, TRACE)
// Uidigi [calls]

UIDigiCall             =       WIDE1-1

// UI Flood Call (up to 6 characters)
// Default (WIDE)
// UIFlood [call]

UIFloodCall            =       BLANK1
// UI Trace Call (up to 6 characters)
// Default (TRACE)
// UITrace [call]

UITraceCall            =       BLANK2

// Txdelay (default 30 = 300)
// range 1-255 x10ms
// TXdelay [n]

TxDelay                =       35

// Fullduplex (default 0)
// Enables (1) or Disables (0)

FullDuplex             =       0

// PPErsistence (default 64)
// range 1-255
// Parameter fo channel access timing
// PErsistance [n]

PPersistance           =       64

// Slottime (default 10)
// range 1-255 x100ms
// SLottime [n]

SlotTime               =       30

// Frack   (default 5)
// range 1-15
// Frack [n]

Frack                  =       5

// Maxframe (default 4)
// range 1-7
// MAxframe [n]

Maxframe               =       4

// Retry (default 10)
// range 0-127
// RETry [n]

Retry                  =       10

// RespTime 2 (default 100)
// range 0-6000 ms
// RESPtime [n]

RespTime               =       100

// Link Check (default 18000)
// range 0-65535 ms
// CHeck [n]

LinkCheck              =       18000

// Duplicate Packet Suppression Interval second (default 28)
// range 0-180 seconds
// UICheck [n]

DuplicateSuppression   =       32
// Loop Packet Suppression Interval Mask (default 3)
//  0x01 = Do not repeat frame with source address equal to digipeater call
or alias
//  0x02 = Do not repeat frame with the digipeater call in the already
digipeated via list
// range 0-3
// UILoop [n]

LoopSuppression        =       3

// Treat different SSID in destination call (default 1)
// Enables (1) or Disables (0) UISSID digipeating mode
// Used for SSID Directional routing
// UISsid [n]

HandleUISSID            =       1

// Reply to Query (default 1)
// Enables (1) or Disables (0) ?APRS? response query
// UIQuery [n]

ReplyToQuery           =       1

// UIFLOOD Algorithm flag  (default 0)
//  bit 0 make call substitution after the last WIDEn-n digied
//  bit 1 insert callsign before WIDEn-n
// UIFLDfl [n]

UIFLOODOptions         =       4

// UITRACE Algorithm flag (default 0)
//  bit 0 makes call substitution after the last TRACEn-n digied
//  bit 1 Disables
// UITRFl [n]

UITRACEOptions          =       2

// Make call substitution when repeat frames addressed to UIDIGI Callsign
//  default (1)
// Enables (1) or Disables (0) UIDIGI callsign substituion for UIDIGI calls
// UIDCsb [n]

UIDIGICallSubstitution  =       1

// Preempt calls (default none)
// see docs

PreemptCalls		=

// Preempt add (default none)
// see docs

PreemptAdd		=

// Preempte Digipeater (default 0)
// see docs

PreeemptedDigipeat	=	0

// Don't change SSID (decrement) to UI Message (frame with info that start 
// with char '~' default (1) 
// 0 disables
// range 0-1
// UIMessage [n]

UIMessage  =       1

// Process only UI Frame (default 1)
// Enable processing of UI frame only 
// 0 disables
// range 0-1
// UIOnly [n]

UIOnly  =       1

// PID of processed frames (default 240)
// Enable frame filtering algorithm base on PID of frame
// 0 disables
// range 0-255
// UIPid [n]

UIPID  =       240

// Sysop Password up to 80 char

SysopPassword          =       Access Password

// Beacon x interval Seconds
// default 1 = 600
// default 2 = 1800
// default 3 = 3600
// range 0-65535 seconds
// BEacon [x] [n]

Beacon1Interval        =       1800

Beacon2Interval        =       900

Beacon3Interval        =       0

// Beacon x offset (default 0)
// range 0-65535 seconds
// BEACONOffset [x] [n]

Beacon1Offset          =       0

Beacon2Offset          =       0

Beacon3Offset          =       0

// Digipeater Beacon x Text up to 70 char
// see APRS reference doc for layout
// BText [n] [t]

Beacon1Text            =       !3600.13S114400.080#PHG4130/ APRS Fill-In
Digi - (location) -

Beacon2Text            =       

Beacon3Text            =       !3627.13SX14202.08E# *- APRS Digi NOT
Currently Operational -*

// Destination ax.25 address of beacon (6 characters + SSID)
// See APRS working group documentation APNUnn
// UNproto [t]

BeaconDestination      =       APNU19

// AX.25 Beacon x path (up to 8 hops)
// Path that Beacon x will be sent out with
// Bdl [x] [path]

Beacon1Path            =       WIDE2-2

Beacon2Path            =       

Beacon3Path            =       WIDE2-2

AuxPath                =       

// Destination ax.25 address of aux input device string
// Up to 6 characters + SSID

AuxDestination         =       TLM

// Aux Beacon interval (default 0)
// Sets the interval for the beacon of aux input data 
// AUXRate [n]

AuxRate                =       0


> -----Original Message-----
> From: ozaprs-bounces at aprs.net.au [mailto:ozaprs-bounces at aprs.net.au] On
> Behalf Of WILSON Jim
> Sent: Friday, 14 March 2008 10:01 AM
> To: VK / ZL APRS Users
> Subject: [OZAPRS] UIDIGI and Cheap HH
> Hi All,
> Someone posted a config for UIDIGI for a fillin repeater some time back,
> Anyone still have a copy? I'm running a scout camp with four teams on
> foot which I want to track. It's a hilly area, so I want to put a digi
> on a high area of the property. I won't be using the APRS frequency, and
> I'll be receiving the info via RF at the base. (no gating to another
> repeater or the net.) What would be the correct UIDIGI setup for this
> use? I assume the trackers would only need 1-1 configured, but as there
> won't be any other digis on the frequency, I assume I can just leave
> them at their current settings.
> Second question,
> I'm short handhelds for the event, I'd like to pick up some cheap HH.
> Are there any standouts in the Chinese offerings? Would need a handheld
> for the digi (MFJ-1270), and handhelds for trackers (opentrackers & some
> opentracker+).
> Thanks,
> Jim
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