[OZAPRS] IC-706IIG tinytrak interface.

Terry Neumann tfneumann at internode.on.net
Mon May 14 22:46:41 EST 2007

Ron Perry wrote:

>Trying to gather info for a temporary local.
>Going to run VHF and HF.
>How did you do it? Via the Mic or via the data connector?
>Your suggestions welcome.
>Ozaprs mailing list
>Ozaprs at aprs.net.au
I think that the data socket would be the way to go Ron.

It may be however that you will find some challenges in setting the 
output level of the TT3 to get the ideal setting for both modes of 

I used the accessory socket on my IC-706 Mark I because that's all there 
was.   In practise I found that in order to get enough drive for a 
useful power output on HF, the deviation for VHF FM was higher than 
optimum.   I speculated about switching in an attenuation resistor 
combination on the TT audio output which comes into play when VHF packet 
mode is selected but it hasn't happened yet.  As it is, I only put out 
about 60 watts on HF, but this appears to be adequate, and I rarely 
operate this combination on VHF so the (over) deviation problem rarely 

Not sure if this answers your question - but that's what I've discovered 
so far ...  It may not be an issue with the 706 Mk IIG - I've never used 
mine in this mode of operation.

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Ozaprs at aprs.net.au
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