[OZAPRS] European v USnewparadigmand pathlimiting +confusion....

Richard Hoskin vk3jfk at amsat.org
Mon Nov 6 21:48:21 EST 2006


I've been busy with other things so I have not been near email for a while
so please forgive the late replies.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: ozaprs-bounces at aprs.net.au [mailto:ozaprs-bounces at aprs.net.au] On
> Behalf Of Robert Bruninga
> > > Zone or state based routing needs to be implemented,
> > > it should be mandatory.
> At the digis, yes, but to the users, it is just an option
> depending on their immediate comunications requirement.
> I think what he means is that it should be implemented at the
> digipeaters so that it is available for those who need it or
> want to participate in a "regional" net or event without QRMing
> surrounding areas too.  The classic example is someone who lives
> on the far edge of a "state" and wants to send his APRS traffic
> to a state net.  But it takes him 5 hops to hit all the
> participants in that state net.  ("Net" here is a special say,
> one-hour net for a stated purpose of limited duration and
> participants)...  If he used WIDE5-5, he would saturate all
> surrounding digipeaters in all directions out 5 hops hitting
> maybe 50 digis.  But if he used STATE5-5, then his packets would
> only go to the few digis in his state and no farther.

We don't need to use WIDE5-5 or State5-5 to cover from one end of our
to the other, even though we have about 25 digis in the state and it is 6
hops from one side to the other. We use the IGates and the Internet as the
back bone of the network. No station is more than 2 hops from an RX Only
IGate and all stations that are heard by an IGate are retransmitted to the
rest of the state's APRS stations via the central Tx/Rx IGate. This IGate
located in the centre of the RF network and is only 3 hops from any part
the RF network. The traffic from the central TX/RX Igate ripples out
the RF network like ripples on a pond. This approach removes the need for
long paths while providing a more reliable and manageable communications
system from one end of the state to the other.


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