[OZAPRS] 30m VK3 H.F. Gateway

Trina And Ross rkeogh at bigpond.net.au
Tue Oct 21 20:19:18 EST 2003

HI Noel,
            I haven't gone into it that far to worry about the tones used,
I thought with a HF tnc, if that's what your using, then it might be
easier to tune your radio to get max width on the led's, by the way it is
using a Kenwood TS-850SAT with a KAMXL, it is beaconing every 5 mins or so
as well

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Noel Rowe <mailto:noel-r at clear.net.nz>  
To: ozaprs at marconi.ics.mq.edu.au 
Sent: Tuesday, 21 October 2003 4:54 PM
Subject: Re: [OZAPRS] 30m VK3 H.F. Gateway

Ross said in his message to the group :
>the gateway is back on air on the same frequency as before, 10.149 LSB,
As the actual frequency of the transmitted output is dependent on the TNC
used, is it possible to publish the frequency of the tones rather than the
LSB frequency?  This will make it easier for us to keep a listening watch,
as we may not be using a similar TNC.
Noel, ZL3GR.   


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