[OZAPRS] What's Happened to HF APRS in VK?

Bob Bruninga bruninga at usna.edu
Mon Oct 13 01:04:45 EST 2003

On Sun, 12 Oct 2003, Richard Hoskin wrote:

> BBS in NSW. We used 10.149Mhz as it appeard not to be used localy and
> not feel comftable using 10.151Mhz as it was too close to the band edge
> this became confusing for most operators.

1) "too close" to the band edge is groundless concern for the last 20
years since we have digital synthesized rigs.

2) If people are "confused" THen simply don't call it 10.151 LSB, but call
   it 10.147.6  USB.  Its the SAME frequency (assuming someone is using
   an 1600/1800 Hz shift.  But the BEST way to refer to the global APRS
   HF freuqnecy is 10.149.2 MARK and let the user do his own math based
   on what TONES his TNC uses.

They are all the same freq.

>  I beleive it would be great to have a Nationally agreed APRS frequancy
> both 30mts and 40 mtrs.


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