[OZAPRS] My Setup

Andrew Rich vk4tec at tech-software.net
Fri Oct 13 09:18:00 AEDT 2017

I have a Diamond X200 base station antenna

10 meters LDF4-50 

A short quad shield tail 

Into any of 

+ ICOM 910H doppler corrected by MacDoppler CIV
+ HackRF
+ AirSpy Mini 
+ Funcube Dongle 

I can run 

+ Windows 
+ Mac
+ SDR Sharp 
+ Orbitron 
+ GPredict
+ gqrx
+ O7ZHO sound modem 
+ VB Audio cable 
+ UI -VIEW only to take in the KISS from the sound modem
+ MacDoppler Tracking software
+ I have no pre-amps, I have only the base station antenna
+ I have a turnstile for 144 MHz ready to go up
+ I have a triplexer on the ICOM910H

I saw the best results with 

+ Diamond antenna
+ LDF4-50 
+ AirSpy Mini
+ GPREDICT doppler correcting GQRX
+ 1200 baud QTMM decoder 

But then that is where is stopped - I then found out I needed dire wolf or APRX to get “out” to the internet which is the whole idea behind <>

I am now faced with the decision if I still need analog radios ( if only for TX ) as SDR seems better 
I am struggling to get openSUSE to install GQRX and the MacMini 

I even bought a Mac Mini to get the “space pc” 

I have lots of “bits” its making the “puzzle”

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