Warren_Brown warbn at telstra.com
Sat Feb 2 16:22:21 EST 2013

Hi Carl,

Sorry I chose to just explain the simple overview given the original
question has hard to follow.

The RX Only IGates do do some transmitting, this includes passing of
messages, and the local WX Sever data.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: ozaprs-bounces at aprs.net.au [mailto:ozaprs-bounces at aprs.net.au] On
> Behalf Of Carl Makin
> Sent: Saturday, 2 February 2013 15:09
> To: Australian APRS Users
> Subject: Re: [OZAPRS] APRS Idea?
> Hi Warren,
> On 02/02/2013, at 2:21 PM, Warren_Brown wrote:
> > The use of multiply receive only IGates allows users to keep their RF
> > transmission paths short, typically a radius of two digi's allows the
> > to see you are on-air and have you signal received by the local RX only
> > IGATE.
> >
> > Appropriately placed TX IGate(s) allows the system administrators to
> > the traffic load to allow for maximum bandwidth.
> So how do you handle messaging?  If your last position is gated via an
> gateway, how would I send a message to you?
> Carl.
> (vk1kcm)
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