[OZAPRS] APRS news from Alice Springs

Geoff Gatward geoff-lists at gatwards.org
Tue Jan 18 23:39:54 EST 2011

Well, I've ALMOST finished setting up things here after my relocation...
New shack workstation, new Media PC etc etc, coming back on air slowly.
There isn't an awful lot of Amateur activity here, the two local voice
repeaters regularly ID, but that's about the limit of activity, or so it
seems :)

I have met up with several local hams here, and there seems to be a
great interest in APRS locally - especially from the ASARC club
president. Plans are already underway to establish a digipeater up on
West Gap (co-sited with the 2/70 repeaters), and an IGate more than
likely to be co-hosted on the local IRLP node.  

Yes - there is also interest in establishing a 30m HF Gate here as well
(possibly even 40m if I can swing them that way).

I may bring up a temporary IGate from home to get the ball rolling and
introduce some activity, but it will only be TEMPORARY ;-)

In the meantime I've had success on the short drive to/from work this
week via ISS - look for a handful of posits from VK8GG-6

I've created some maps of the Alice area using Radiomobile and will
upload these to www.aprs.net.au in the next few days (along with the
other maps I've created the same way for VK2 that never made it to the

73, de Geoff  

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