[OZAPRS] Message Traffic and WX Alert list in Xastir
Ray Wells
vk2tv at exemail.com.au
Thu Nov 27 17:43:08 EST 2008
It started working after I added the ID field to dbfinfo in
In qgis the ID field entries are numbered sequentially from 0
This is all black magic to me.
Ray vk2tv
Andrew Errington wrote:
> Are you sure? I believe that 'ID' is a meta-field created by QGis, and
> should not be included in the list (I said this already). In fact, if you
> simply use less to display the dbf file (it will complain it is a binary
> file) you can see the field labels in amongst the junk, and there is no
> field called 'ID' (unless of course one has been placed there explicitly,
> but there isn't one in any of my dbf files).
> 73,
> A
> On Thu, November 27, 2008 17:23, Ray Wells wrote:
>> I'll make this public so nobody else gets caught by it.
>> Prior to Andrew Errington making me aware of qgis I used Microsoft Excel
>> to view the dbf database files. I created the dbfinfo line in dbfawk based
>> on what Excel reported.
>> In the case of c_aus20no08.dbf, Excel didn't report the first field, ID.
>> Column A was the second field, STATE..
>> Not having the first field included obviously screwed up reading the
>> database.
>> Thanks to everyone who has been involved in trying to sort this, but
>> especially thanks to Geoff, David and Andrew.
>> As David said, perseverance paid off.
>> Ray vk2tv
>> Ray Wells wrote:
>>> I've just discovered an error in my c_aus20no08.dbawk file. The first
>>> field in the dbf, ID, wasn't present. Since adding that field to the
>>> dbfinfo line in dbfawk, I'm now getting warnings in the warning zones,
>>> four of which are present on the map in western Queensland and South
>>> Australia. The format of the warning is horizontal red lines with the
>>> word ALERT, also in red, appearing frequently within the affected areas.
>>> Ray vk2tv
>>> David wrote:
>>>> Hi Geoff...have done a ./update-xastir from the CVS in case something
>>>> got broke..... an NWS_WARN came in for NEP_STS and now i have a Red
>>>> Alert area
>>>> looks like things are getting there..... what you thought was YN as
>>>> yellow well the Red one is YF....my cyan one may be missing dont know
>>>> yet
>>>> David
>>>> Geoff wrote:
>>>>> BINGO.
>>>>> Problem with the Marine zones and Xastir found.
>>>>> Xastir has been HARD CODED so that only certain state prefixes will
>>>>> look at the MZ file. From maps.c:
>>>>> case 'Z': // Zone, coastal or offshore marine zone file z_????? or
>>>>> mz???? or oz?? // oz: ANZ081-086,088,PZZ081-085
>>>>> // z_: All others
>>>>> SO - I'll need to "fool" Xastir somehow by giving all products in
>>>>> the MZ file a state from the hard-coded list above..... I'm not
>>>>> sure if this will cause issues to the US folk - I'll check with Dale
>>>>> & Peter.
>>>>> I'll get back to you on this one.....
>>>>> Anyway updated z_aus27no08 fileset is now available, and the code
>>>>> change has been done to send all alerts as NWS_xxxxx
>>>>> Geoff VK2XJG
>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>> From: Geoff [mailto:geoff at gatwards.org] Sent: Thursday, 27 November
>>>>> 2008 12:53 PM
>>>>> To: 'Australian APRS Users'
>>>>> Subject: RE: [OZAPRS] Message Traffic and WX Alert list in Xastir
>>>>> OK I've got my Xastir up and running, and after conducting a few
>>>>> tests, I think I found a problem (with Xastir!)
>>>>> It looks like Xastir ONLY accepts alert messages with NWS_xxxx as
>>>>> the destination. The WXSVR protocol allows for both NWS_xxxx AND
>>>>> NWS-xxxx.
>>>>> I was sending out WARN severity messages with the latter format, in
>>>>> order for these to trigger additional messages on mobile units.
>>>>> So, Fix 1 is for WXSVR-AU to only send alerts with the Underscore
>>>>> method...
>>>>> I have the dbfawk files working in the /config dir - BUT I had to
>>>>> RENAME the
>>>>> existing US versions (nwsz_ddmmyy became _nwsz_ddmmyy etc). Xastir
>>>>> refused to see the z_ausddmmyy file until I did this - don't know
>>>>> why.
>>>>> I have also REMOVED the additional column from the end of the dbf
>>>>> file for the z_aus product, as it also seems to have been causing
>>>>> issues with Xastir
>>>>> (look out for updated z_aus file later today on the site)
>>>>> I'm still trying to look at the issue with the MZ warnings - I
>>>>> still can't trigger any areas on the map although there seem to be no
>>>>> errors in Xastir... Will keep looking at this one, but it only
>>>>> affects coastal waters areas at the moment.
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Geoff
>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>> From: ozaprs-bounces at aprs.net.au [mailto:ozaprs-bounces at aprs.net.au]
>>>>> On
>>>>> Behalf Of David
>>>>> Sent: Thursday, 27 November 2008 10:04 AM
>>>>> To: Australian APRS Users
>>>>> Subject: [OZAPRS] Message Traffic and WX Alert list in Xastir
>>>>> Hi Geoff....e-mail was getting too long
>>>>> your comment about th ?N or ?Y being a missing color for the area
>>>>> alert may be spot on..... however i cant find ..after a lot of
>>>>> trawling of my h/d...the file(s) where the colors are listed for the
>>>>> ADVIS etc.....
>>>>> i got an Alert for CNTFLW again and the area color was YY and that
>>>>> showed up the Yellow area on the map down the bottom of Victoria
>>>>> i think you are onto something there
>>>>> give me the clues and i'll do the searching etc....ive got all day
>>>>> hi hi
>>>>> David VK4BDJ
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