[OZAPRS] RE: New APRS Weather Warning service for Australia

Geoff geoff at gatwards.org
Thu Nov 20 08:58:56 EST 2008

I'll try to put together a mini "howto" on the site soon.....

If you don't use the shapefiles, you will still see the Objects and Messages
for warnings, just not the affected area.

In a nutshell, the shapefiles are overlayed on your existing map, and server
to highlight the area affected by the warning.  The overlays are tinted in
Yellow, Orange or Red depending on the message (ADVIS, WATCH or WARN)

For UI-View users, simply extract the three shapefile zip's to
C:\Program Files\Peak Systems\UI-View32\NWS\Shapefiles

Restart UI-View and then go to FILE->UI-NWS
This opens the NWS application that processes the messages, and controls the
display of the shapes.

For Xastir, I haven't done this myself yet, although I have just downloaded
the latest source and will give it a go.  I'll post the HowTo on the
wxsvr.aprs.net.au site.


-----Original Message-----
From: ozaprs-bounces at aprs.net.au [mailto:ozaprs-bounces at aprs.net.au] On
Behalf Of Ray Wells
Sent: Thursday, 20 November 2008 7:24 AM
To: Australian APRS Users
Subject: Re: [OZAPRS] RE: New APRS Weather Warning service for Australia

Can somebody provide a crash tutorial on implementing this?

Shapefiles are mentioned; is their use compulsory or can topo maps be 
used? I have a preference for the latter and apart from a single trial 
with shapefiles that left me totally unimpressed, I don't use them.

Maybe there's a dozen dumb questions just begging to be asked.

I find the US based "help" documentation quite confusing and convoluted, 
often with outdated links or information.

Anyone care to comment?

Ray vk2tv

Geoff wrote:
> With the number of Severe Thunderstorm Warnings current at the time of
> writing for much of NSW and QLD, I have decided to swing the WXSVR-AU
> over to APRS-IS now.
> I have also uploaded the current shapefiles.
> There are still some glitches with the system that I'm trying to iron out,
> but I'm hoping that letting it loose to the network will allow more of the
> issues to be identified and corrected sooner than if it were just my eyes
> looking for the problems :-)
> I am gating SYD* and CTL* to RF in the Sydney area (via VK2RSW-1,
> Igates in other areas would need to be configured to allow appropriate
> to RF..
> For example in NSW:
> VK2HIM-1 = ILL*, SCT*
> VK2ZEN-5 = HNT*
> VK2TV = MNC*, NTL*, NTR*
> VK2ASY-1 = CTL*, CWS*
> Etc etc. . . 
> Regards,
> Geoff  VK2XJG
>   _____  
> From: Geoff [mailto:geoff at gatwards.org] 
> Sent: Monday, 17 November 2008 8:34 PM
> To: 'Australian APRS Users'
> Subject: New APRS Weather Warning service for Australia
> Folks,
> As some of you may be aware, we have been working on a project in the
> background to establish an APRS Weather Server to disseminate warning
> information via APRS, in a similar method and format to the NWS messages
> the USA.
> After several months of on again, off again scripting, testing and
> frustration, we finally have something that is ALMOST ready to be let
> on our national APRS network.  The system is known as WXSVR-AU and will
> generate area messages, objects and plain text messages that will be
> targeted at areas affected by current warnings from the Bureau of
> Meteorology.
> Full details of the project are online at  http://wxsvr.aprs.net.au
> <http://wxsvr.aprs.net.au/>   
> There are still some sections of the site that are as yet incomplete, but
> the information that is there should provide a teaser of what is coming
> way, and how to prepare to handle the data.  We would appreciate it if
> operators could configure their systems to gate the relevant area messages
> to RF to maximize the benefits of this system.
> The data stream is not yet publically available - however I'm hoping by
> of November the last few bugs with the protocol implementation will be
> resolved, and at this stage the WXSVR-AU stream will be allowed into the
> wider APRS-IS.
> When it is, it will be available via the standard APRS-IS streams.
> Since the protocol used is identical to that used in the USA, the standard
> NWS clients for UI-View and other applications can be used to display this
> data.
> Hopefully get the shapefiles uploaded this week and swing the data stream
> over to the live network soon after.
> Any comments, questions etc welcome.
> Geoff  VK2XJG
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