[OZAPRS] Two Sound Cards

vk3xci vk3xci at aanet.com.au
Sun Jun 22 18:15:08 EST 2008

Hamish Moffatt wrote:
> On Sun, May 04, 2008 at 02:27:51PM +1000, vk3xc1 wrote:
>> A little off topic and cross posted with the ubuntu-au list. naughty I  
>> know. This group has never let me down yet
>> Xubuntu 7.10 on an Intel SE440BX-2 mobo, PIII 500 CPU, 384M of ram.
>> I want to run 2 sound cards to run 2 ham radio applications, Xastir and  
>> FBB. Sound cards are ESS Solo-1 and Creative Model CT4810 (CT5880  
>> chipset). Has anyone tried this? I think I should be able to run both  
>> apps as FBB will run as a service.
>> Ubuntu seems happy to find the SOLO-1, but no immediate sign of the  
>> Creative.  I'm off to find a Howto right now, but some guidence would be  
>> appreciated.
>> It may be that I'm a little out of my depth here!
> Hi,
> That should work fine. "aplay -l" should list your available sound
> output devices. On my system I have the on-board sound and a USB sound
> adapter and I get:
> **** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ****
> card 0: CK8S [NVidia CK8S], device 0: Intel ICH [NVidia CK8S]
>   Subdevices: 1/1
>   Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
> card 0: CK8S [NVidia CK8S], device 2: Intel ICH - IEC958 [NVidia CK8S - IEC958]
>   Subdevices: 1/1
>   Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
> card 1: External [SB Live! 24-bit External], device 0: USB Audio [USB Audio]
>   Subdevices: 1/1
>   Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
> One issue is the allocation of IDs to the sound cards. They should get
> allocated 0 and 1, but the order may be effectively random. You can fix
> this by creating a file in /etc/modprobe.d; mine's called
> /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-options but the name isn't too important. Mine says
> # Set preferred order of the sound cards
> options snd-intel8x0 index=0
> options snd-usb-audio index=1
> You'll have to substitute the names of the relevant drivers for your
> cards, once you know what they are. (Use lsmod and look for snd.. to
> find them).
> Hamish
G'day Hamish et al,
I've managed to get back to this after a (too) long pause.

the drivers appear to be snd_es1938 and snd_ens1371, does that look right?

The next step is making xastir talk to the soundmodem, I have no clue!!!

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