Jack Chomley radio at irock.com.au
Tue Feb 5 10:59:30 EST 2008

At 09:41 AM 2/5/2008, Ray  wrote:
>I imagine that 6m APRS would be as popular as 6m packet :-(
>6m FM mobile had a peak many years ago but I would have a guess and 
>say there's not too many 6m mobile installations these days.
>However, I hold the belief that we should be encouraging activity 
>and we can do that by providing the facilities for end users.
>Is that belief enough grounds to warrant a 6m APRS frequency? I'll 
>leave that for others to decide.
>Ray vk2tv

Given an increase with the start of a new Solar Cycle, there will be 
no standing room on HF, given all the new digital modes and 
increasing activity etc.
Maybe 6 metres might be a quieter place to shelter, from the Kilowatt 
HF stations, across the water :-)



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