[OZAPRS] Problems with APRS in SE Qld

Brian Beamish dinkum at optusnet.com.au
Wed Oct 17 17:18:09 EST 2007

Hi Mark and Tony    

In reply to your recent email.

I  moved away from VHF APRS before even Mick VK4OG came on the scene the
problem then and still is I have been assured is the excessive beaconing,
digipeating, excessively repeated/digpeated beacons so much so that loops
were being set up then I am told this still occurs with beacons going
and around between digipeaters in busier periods so much so that many
mobile stations were/are just not getting in and with portable hand held
station not even getting a look in.

I have been told that between 70-80% of the traffic monitored on VHF here
locally is generated one way or another by VK4OG, this I cannot confirm as
am not personally on VHF at present.

I am sure that Mick VK4OG can ease this situation by modifying his
parameters,SSID, beacon intervals, beacon content etc perhaps along the
lines of VK4GME-3 although if I were in Mick's situation and considering
modifying my digipeater/Igate station I would seek advice from those in
who have largely overcome the problems that we have been experiencing
locally on VHF for some considerable time and that existed even before
turned on his Igate. Mick does though need the cooperation of other
digipeater operators and even more so mobile operators in SEQ/VK4

I doubt if there would be many if any APRS operators who do not own and
a computer and I doubt if many if any of these are not on Internet this
being the case it would be quite easy to not only monitor North Queensland
but any traffic in VK or the world for that matter.
Whilst limited Gating of North Queensland and other VK4 traffic to VHF
be fine the amount I am sure can be regulated by the station gating the
traffic to VHF.

It may appear in this email I am singling out Mick VK4OG when I am not
replying to Mark and Tony's previous OZAPRS email but whilst doing so I
should point out that other digipeater operators  and even more so Mobile
Operators in SEQ and elsewhere in VK4 are certainly not helping the
situation with their incorrectly configured Digipeaters/Trackers often
little consideration for others.

It requires a TEAM effort in SEQ to solve the problem this TEAM should
involve ALL Digipeater Operators and ALL Mobile Operators working for the
benefit of ALL not one single operator, particularly mobile. If we can
as a TEAM thinking of others not just ourselves I am sure we will have a
great VHF APRS network one we will be proud to be part of not only in SEQ
but throughout the state.

I personally would love to come back on VHF but until things, locally, are
sorted out I will be staying on HF.

73 Brian VK4BBS
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