[OZAPRS] VK3 APRS Network News (including Frequency ChangeProjectinformation)......

Warren VK3BYD vk3byd at wia.org.au
Thu Apr 5 21:29:16 EST 2007

Hi Richard,

I assume you mean week starting 16th of April or did you mean March 2008?


> North East Victoria Frequency Change:
> Stage Six of the Frequency Change Project begins the week of the 16th of
> March. During this week we are planning on changing the frequency of
> Digipeaters VK3RAW-1, VK3HJQ-1 and IGate VK3KAW. If time permits 
> Digipeaters
> VK3RGR-1 and VK3XJB will also be changed. I'll announce more details 
> closer
> to the date and indicate if the latter two digis are in or out of scope 
> for
> this stage.
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