[OZAPRS] APRS in Space

Andrew Rich vk4tec at tech-software.net
Sat Apr 15 18:36:14 EST 2006

Here are some pointers

1. ISS (RS0ISS-3) is on 145.800 down and 145.990 up (+/- doppler)
2. PCSAT2 (external payload on ISS) is on 145.825 (+/- doppler)

You can use this filter in UI-VIEW etc

Server: rotate.aprs.net
Port: 14580
Filter: filter p/VK4/PCSAT/PC2/W3AD/RS0/ISS d/RS0ISS-3/PCSAT2/W3ADO-1

explanation: show me all stations

starting with VK4 PCSAT PC2 W3AD RS0 or ISS
digipeated via RS0ISS-3 PCSAT2 or W3ADO-1
show objects starting with ISS

The objects are ISS ISS_5 and ISS_10 (ISS now, in 5 minutes and in 10

At home I use a linux box running predict and then get that to tune my
via the com port using perl.

I double check against nova for windows.

To see when the last world wide activity for ISS www.ariss.net

To see when the last world wide actvity for PCSAT2

As is to be expected both come over at the same time.

Help ?

I had it all automated here - radio, rotator the works - lost interest

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