[OZAPRS] HF Beacons Heard.

Noel Rowe noel-r at clear.net.nz
Mon Mar 29 18:59:46 EST 2004

The following is pasted from three e-mails sent to the zlaprs group as the
matter unfolded.
Over the weekend I sat on 30 metres for most of the time.  I was getting a
regular signal (or maybe two as there was some bursts of a noticably
different length) that I could not decode nor identify.  I played around
and decided the signal was about 510 Hz above where I was tuned,  which is
for tone frequencies of 10.149.200 and 10.149.400 - ie I am set at
10.147.600 USB and using a 1600/1800 tone TNC. 
I have concluded that the signals were transmitted by somebody either (1)
using LSB with the dial set for PK232 or AGW tones, (10.151.510 or
10.151.500) but actually using a 1600/1800 TNC - or a TinyTrak 3, or (2)
using USB with the dial set for a 1600/1800 TNC (10.147.600) but actually
using a PK232 or AGW.
Further to my last posting here, I have identified the off frequency 30m
station (well one of them) as VK3WRM.  It appears as if it is a compressed
beacon, sent by UI-View. 
I decoded the beacon twice, at UTC 05:53 and at 07:12, by feeding the HF
rig (set for USB and to 10.147.600, the standard frequency for a 1600/1800
tone TNC, and unchanged from successfully decoding other beacons) into my
TNC, but at the same time feeding some audio to the sound card, and using
AGW to decode. 
I have now set my UI-View to look at the port used, so if I can catch the
beacon again I will be able to see if it plots.
VK3WRM has decoded (at UTC 08:12, his third successful HF beacon here, see
my prevoius two postings) and has plotted via UI-View as being (on a small
scale map of Oz) in the Adelaide region.  His pos is 34.10.81S and
142.09.21E, and a comment of "HF and VHF Igate".
Regards, Noel, ZL3GR.
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