[OZAPRS] HF Heard.

Noel Rowe noel-r at clear.net.nz
Tue Apr 6 10:58:52 EST 2004

Last evening I netted to the VK stations and heard the following:-
VK4DMI-1  Pine Rivers HF Gateway,
VK4BBS-11  Brian Subaru Forester,
VK3MY-3  APRS 10MHz Gate,
VK3WRM  HF & VHF Igate,
VK1KLW came via VK3WRM,
and I got a couple of objects, both beaconing as 30M-GATE.
There was also a beacon received from W7CCY, incomplete, but sent to
APRSW,GATE,WIDE(2-2 I think it was).
So a good result.   In answer to the following:-
> I haven't heard a ZL here yet, I wonder 
>if they are on the right frequency?   :-)))))))
A fair comment too, actually they all went off to 40m because they never
heard any VKs on frequency on 30m.  Couldnt resist that!  But I will do my
best to get some back to 30.   I myself  am unlikely to beacon from my
base on HF, mostly because of other homes close by.  I do beacon on VHF of
course.  However I do want to get my HF going on 30m in my car, in additon
to the VHF (currenly running a HamHUD) already there, as there are not
many VHF digipeaters near where I roam.
Regards to all,
Noel, ZL3GR.

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