[SPAM: 4.000] [OZAPRS] Who actually Operates HF APRS mobile do Ihaveit all to myself?

Rob r.thirkettle at phys.canterbury.ac.nz
Sat Dec 27 07:35:23 EST 2003

Hi All
If you have a look you will see ZL3VP-13 HF mobile at the top of the south
Island. HF is really only for these types of trip not much use around
town. We are using 7.036 LSB with 1600/1800 Hz tones
Regards Rob ZL3RX

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Brian  <mailto:bbeamish at bigpond.net.au> Beamish 
To: OZAPRS <mailto:ozaprs at marconi.ics.mq.edu.au>  
Sent: Friday, December 26, 2003 2:30 PM
Subject: [SPAM: 4.000] [OZAPRS] Who actually Operates HF APRS mobile do I
haveit all to myself?

Hi Folks
Was wondering if my gear was perhaps deaf if not I must be the luckiest
APRS operator about particularly in this part of the world or at least it
sure seems that way.
I have two, yes two, HF APRS gateways on 30m, one Melbourne the other
Brisbane, all to myself as I would appear to be the only HF mobile APRS
station that operates there or at least the only one that I have logged.
Are there any others out there operating HF APRS or do I actually have it
all to myself if so how about joining me.
As far as 40m goes, on 7.036LSB, I again have two gateways entirely it
seems to myself one here in Brisbane and the other in Christchurch New
Zealand are there any others operating there if not sure would like to see
some join me.
Over the past couple of months I have seem quite a number of operators
giving their opinions on one thing or another regarding HF APRS but to
date other than the three SysOps of the gateways mentioned above I have
yet to log any other of those making comments.
Cannot really see the point of any of the gateways running just for me
although I feel I am privileged to have my own personal three HF Gateways
working and just waiting there for me, thanks a million to the SysOps
operating them I greatly appreciate you doing so just for me.
How about it fellows don't just give opinions get on and actually work HF
APRS you will find 30m a breeze cant say quite the same for 40m though.
Brian VK4BBS
Who has Three HF Gateways just sitting there waiting for him to use, boy!
ain't I lucky.


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